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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :WOOOOO! Tapped in my payment details like a ****ing ninja boss, now downloading the game.

Thanks for the heads up TVE
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :
I'd say polygon tesselation is the next quantum leap as far as surface representation goes.

+1. Displacement mapping still bogs down rendering times on a number of commercial renderers so to see it happening in realtime is quite something. Theoretically you could start to see detail on characters in games that look very similar to the original zbrush sculpt (instead of using a normal map on low poly geometry)- so the future is kinda already here and it's bright.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :
Conclusively, I say they are the expected by-product of the society they exist in - a society which judges everything in terms of materialistic gain and considers state-given benefits only in terms of the money given and not the actual social benefit from a well organized programme with a goal in mind. For decades now they've been conditioned to this state of mind so it's no surprise they'd go for it.

That's why it was such a strange riot. Most riots tend to be against things. This was just an affirmation of the predominance of materialist values. As crashgate says above, you need to establish why this happened. I think you can make a fairly confident argument that it happened because these people have no imagination whatsoever.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
I'm confused about the problem of policing for gun and knife crime in these areas and what's to be done about that. Listening to some of the people in these communities speak over the last few days, it seems that there's a real pressing need for more support in cracking down on violent crime (some feeling that nothing is being done and putting the blame on politicians) but on the other hand there is of course an enormous resentment towards these stop and search programs. So I'm getting a schizophrenic picture about that. Anyone want to dive in here?
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Free trainers for all! :monkey::chair::banana_ra
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :

It's just not cricket.

Heh. Yeah.

Btw I have plenty of personal anecdotal evidence in support of those studies. I used to collect for charities on highways, and it was always the poorer folks who gave money. You could be certain that the Porsche that was coming up the road would not even look at you.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :So the argument being put forward by the right wing here (although the political map is an over simplification blah blah blah): Poor people don't have values like rich people do? Well...

They're clearly right.

Becky, those studies certainly ring hollow when you read stuff like this... (or maybe it was a rich guy at the wheel. Who knows) ... gland-20110810-1imt5.html
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
This is like anti anti-consumerism. It wasn't that long ago kids were ready to burn their Nikes in service of a saner world. These kids want Nikes. They're doing exactly what they've been told to do and it's their fault.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :People just don't get it. Its not like I would've predicted this, but now its happened at least I can see the ways in which its come about, while others just put it down to 'chavvy scum' without elaborating any further.

Yeah you have a grand theory- stretching all the way back to the governments of the 60s. Surprised you didn't include a reference to the fall from paradise. Fact is, you're making excuses for these kids. If they were being used as chimney sweeps, I would have excused this.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :rofl


The games made me do it theory...

Quote :Hang on, these kids are forming raiding parties coordinated by text chat, and focusing on gathering loot?

It's the World of Warcraft riots!

Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from menantoll :
As far as intelligent debate is concerned, I haven't seen any of that in this thread. Mostly it's an attack on and unfounded accusations against Intrepid.

I would say it's mostly an just another opportunity for people to right/left bash away. Dudes lift a bunch of televisions and the answer is of course well of course this was gunna happen, you didn't vote for our guy. duh..!!!.

I've got a better theory... Teenage DNA. Happens every generation. Too bad these kids can't figure out anything better to do with themselves than riot for new pair of trainers. ****ing disappointing tbh.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Compared to Bill Gates, my bank account is pretty shitty. Think I'll take up an iron pipe and go wander the streets for a bit.
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from U4IK ST8 :There are quite a few ways to obtain a smart phone without paying the retail price.

1) Steal one.

Well they're running around with more processing power than a Cray supercomputer in their back pockets. I'll save my definition of 'disenfranchised' for another group.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
An aged reader in the Guardian comments section writes:

"How can these poverty stricken disenfranchised 'children' actually afford these smart phones ?"
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from Gerdoner :Either there's a huge baseball hype in the uk these days, or...

Having the tent in there among that lot is surreal.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Saw Magnolia for the first time on TV last night. I kept ducking out and doing other things but the movie was kind of intriguing. But there was a weird thing happening with the sound every now and again, like it was horribly compressed or something. With a lot of background noise, there would be this vocoder like effect that was kind of annoying. Then... the scene with raining frogs happened, and it was just a perfect moment with that vocoder sound. I almost think the movie must have been designed that way so there would be this awesome sound effect for the frogs in the last scene. It was brilliant!
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Somehow a photograph of a building in London in flames with a german language caption over it only seems right if it's in black and white.

Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Nope, I think we are all in agreement on that. The difference is whether you want to shoot them as a preventative measure or not.

Well this reframes things. Tbh, I assumed that the few posts calling for a crackdown with rubber bullets and tear gas were a bit of a put on, so I didn't take them seriously. I guess my beef is more about the thing that Intrepid bought up in post #17- that people are gonna use this episode to as a means of reinforcement of thier own hard line political opinions, instead of seeing it as a bunch of kids being knobs (whatever the original justification was, it's gone past that). I'll bet money that there are serious people scribbling away right now about how this is the 'face of multiculturalism' or something, and we've already witnessed the counterarguments from the left. Just smells like (adult) demagoguery to me. Sorry.
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